Does “animals of species S typically choose food A over food B in context X” fall into your “behavior” category or into your “strategy” category? It falls (loosely) into both for me: it is a behavior exhibited by the animals, but a priori one would expect a good possibility that this behavior is one part of an evolutionarily tuned strategy for survival.
Your final interpretation of the claim here was the correct one. It’s not just that this set of apparently-irrational animal behaviors is part of the large class “apparently-irrational strategies”, right next to “stare motionless at oncoming headlights”; it seems to be part of the narrower class “apparently-irrational strategies which turn out to be rational upon closer examination”.
Does “animals of species S typically choose food A over food B in context X” fall into your “behavior” category or into your “strategy” category? It falls (loosely) into both for me: it is a behavior exhibited by the animals, but a priori one would expect a good possibility that this behavior is one part of an evolutionarily tuned strategy for survival.
Your final interpretation of the claim here was the correct one. It’s not just that this set of apparently-irrational animal behaviors is part of the large class “apparently-irrational strategies”, right next to “stare motionless at oncoming headlights”; it seems to be part of the narrower class “apparently-irrational strategies which turn out to be rational upon closer examination”.
Sorry for my confusing wording.