Ok… I’m not sure if it can be counted as “instrumental technique”, but I often think in terms of Kahneman’s System 1/ & System 2/.
The exercise … was hard, so I included also ideas which are common but can be “rediscovered” this way
Predicting what should be doable with machine learning techniques now or really soon. My model is “System 1” usually means some dedicated neural “hardware” for a task, and it seems narrow AIs are now approximately at the same level of power. The prediction is you can probably train NNs to recognize e.g.: the emotional state of people; sexual orientation of people; aggressiveness; “moods” of places.
Trying to apply my “system 1” instead of training neural network model, or applying some complex statistical computation. E.g. I tried to predict results of ongoing Czech presidential elections this way: take the number of votes for 6 leading candidates in the previous elections. Ask my system 1 how the candidates are similar to current candidates (assuming we have a relatively good hardware for simulating other people). Calculate how the votes would redistribute based on the similarity “guess”
Estimating what people’s intuitive moral feelings would be and where they are inconsistent with some more formal “system 2” model based on the guess such feelings are “system 1″ heuristic computation.
Trying to improve one’s “system 1” processing speed in useful domains, e.g. reading text faster.
Training system 1 to pattern match some class of situations and do something… well, that’s TAPs :)
Training system 1 to do some routine simple but useful calculation
Trying to extract some “lower level” data from System 1 computations than what is usually presented. E.g. people seem to have some “sense of status”, but they usually apply it indirectly.
Applying ideas from “adversarial machine learning” to think about inputs able to “hack” some system 1 processing common among people, and observing whether its actually done by someone
Training system 1 to get simple numerical estimates of body parameters such as temperature or heart rate
Using system 2 to convert problems to isomorphic problems which are recognized & can be processed by system 1 hardware … well, has been done and works
Ok… I’m not sure if it can be counted as “instrumental technique”, but I often think in terms of Kahneman’s System 1/ & System 2/.
The exercise … was hard, so I included also ideas which are common but can be “rediscovered” this way
Predicting what should be doable with machine learning techniques now or really soon. My model is “System 1” usually means some dedicated neural “hardware” for a task, and it seems narrow AIs are now approximately at the same level of power. The prediction is you can probably train NNs to recognize e.g.: the emotional state of people; sexual orientation of people; aggressiveness; “moods” of places.
Trying to apply my “system 1” instead of training neural network model, or applying some complex statistical computation. E.g. I tried to predict results of ongoing Czech presidential elections this way: take the number of votes for 6 leading candidates in the previous elections. Ask my system 1 how the candidates are similar to current candidates (assuming we have a relatively good hardware for simulating other people). Calculate how the votes would redistribute based on the similarity “guess”
Estimating what people’s intuitive moral feelings would be and where they are inconsistent with some more formal “system 2” model based on the guess such feelings are “system 1″ heuristic computation.
Trying to improve one’s “system 1” processing speed in useful domains, e.g. reading text faster.
Training system 1 to pattern match some class of situations and do something… well, that’s TAPs :)
Training system 1 to do some routine simple but useful calculation
Trying to extract some “lower level” data from System 1 computations than what is usually presented. E.g. people seem to have some “sense of status”, but they usually apply it indirectly.
Applying ideas from “adversarial machine learning” to think about inputs able to “hack” some system 1 processing common among people, and observing whether its actually done by someone
Training system 1 to get simple numerical estimates of body parameters such as temperature or heart rate
Using system 2 to convert problems to isomorphic problems which are recognized & can be processed by system 1 hardware … well, has been done and works