One thing that could help new users dive into Less Wrong would be to make some reading recommendations based on reading difficulty. (I’m including some things not hosted on when they’re very LessWrong-ish and written by leading LessWrong authors.) For example:
Less Wrong articles categorized by reading difficulty
One thing that could help new users dive into Less Wrong would be to make some reading recommendations based on reading difficulty. (I’m including some things not hosted on when they’re very LessWrong-ish and written by leading LessWrong authors.) For example:
For everyone
Yudkowsky, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
Yudkowsky, Twelve Virtues of Rationality
Yvain, The Worst Argument in the World
Yudkowsky, Reductionism
Lukeprog, How to Beat Procrastination
Yudkowsky, Technical Explanation of Technical Explanation
Yudkowsky, Timeless Causality
Yudkowsky, Bell’s Theorem
Nisan, Formulas of arithmetic that behave like decision agents
Benja, A model of UDT with a concrete prior over logical statements
cousin_it, Bounded versions of Gödel’s and Löb’s theorems