has an online implementation of these. I tried it out for a while. It was definitely interesting, but I think this is the wrong format for rational conversation. It was too focused on scoring debate points, at the expense of finding out what is true. It succeeded in being entertaining, but probably doesn’t change anyone’s mind very often.
Something more like collaborative Bayesian nets seems like a better approach for us, but if the software exists, I haven’t found it yet. has an online implementation of these. I tried it out for a while. It was definitely interesting, but I think this is the wrong format for rational conversation. It was too focused on scoring debate points, at the expense of finding out what is true. It succeeded in being entertaining, but probably doesn’t change anyone’s mind very often.
Something more like collaborative Bayesian nets seems like a better approach for us, but if the software exists, I haven’t found it yet.
Maybe Guesstimate is a solid proxy for this?