Would you personally answer Should we be concerned about eating too much soy? with “Nope, definitely not”, or do you just find it’s a reasonable gamble to take to eat the very large qty of soy you describe?
Btw, thanks a lot for the post; MANY parallels with my past as more-serious-but-uncareful-vegan until body showed clear signs of issues that I realized only late as I’d have never believed anyone that healthy vegan diet is that tricky.
I watched this video, and I semi trust this guy (more than anybody else) about not getting it completely wrong. So you can eat too much soy. But eating a bit is actually healthy, is my current model.
Here is also a calculation I did that it is possible to get all amino acids from soy without eating too much.
Would you personally answer Should we be concerned about eating too much soy? with “Nope, definitely not”, or do you just find it’s a reasonable gamble to take to eat the very large qty of soy you describe?
Btw, thanks a lot for the post; MANY parallels with my past as more-serious-but-uncareful-vegan until body showed clear signs of issues that I realized only late as I’d have never believed anyone that healthy vegan diet is that tricky.
I watched this video, and I semi trust this guy (more than anybody else) about not getting it completely wrong. So you can eat too much soy. But eating a bit is actually healthy, is my current model.
Here is also a calculation I did that it is possible to get all amino acids from soy without eating too much.