Homunculi are real. Consider a lucid dream. When lucid, you can know that your body-image is entirely internal to your sleeping brain. You can know that the virtual head you can feel with your virtual hands is entirely internal to your sleeping brain too. Sure, the reality of this homunculus doesn’t explain how the experience is possible. Yet such an absence of explanatory power doesn’t mean that we should disavow talk of homunculi.
Waking consciousness is more controversial. But (I’d argue) you can still experience only a homunculus—but now it’s a homunculus that (normally) causally do-varies with the behaviour of an extra-cranial body.
Homunculi are real. Consider a lucid dream. When lucid, you can know that your body-image is entirely internal to your sleeping brain. You can know that the virtual head you can feel with your virtual hands is entirely internal to your sleeping brain too. Sure, the reality of this homunculus doesn’t explain how the experience is possible. Yet such an absence of explanatory power doesn’t mean that we should disavow talk of homunculi.
Waking consciousness is more controversial. But (I’d argue) you can still experience only a homunculus—but now it’s a homunculus that (normally) causally do-varies with the behaviour of an extra-cranial body.
You seem to discussing the homunculus as something that is perceived, not something that is doing the perceiving.