I was thinking of making a TripAdvisor for concepts, in a kind of tongue-in-cheek way, like “this philosophical concept is worth 3.8 stars out of 5”. But then, I figured that it would lead to every reader learning the same ideas. It’s better if people explore random ideas independently, so they can make unique connections and come up with novel things. Still, a power-ranking of concepts could be very useful as long as you keep in mind that it doesn’t replace exploration.
I was thinking of making a TripAdvisor for concepts, in a kind of tongue-in-cheek way, like “this philosophical concept is worth 3.8 stars out of 5”. But then, I figured that it would lead to every reader learning the same ideas. It’s better if people explore random ideas independently, so they can make unique connections and come up with novel things. Still, a power-ranking of concepts could be very useful as long as you keep in mind that it doesn’t replace exploration.