It may be in your interest to clarify whether you’re serious or making a sarcastic comment on Abrahamic religion, otherwise you may be undeservedly snowed under with downvotes.
I would hope nobody thought I was serious, but hey, a few downvotes isn’t worth getting chuffed about. I doubt all that many people care enough for it to get “snowed under.”
It is unfortunately not true. Torture may very well exist after death is defeated.
The last one of {X; X is enemy && X shall be destroyed } is death.
It can be true assuming that the remaining enemies are indestructible.
Yeah, but those souls left in Hell and/or Purgatory post-Resurrection were asking for it.
It may be in your interest to clarify whether you’re serious or making a sarcastic comment on Abrahamic religion, otherwise you may be undeservedly snowed under with downvotes.
I think “asking for it” is one of those phrases nobody says seriously anymore.
I think I heard a Catholic person use those exact words seriously less than a month ago, about this very subject, but I might not remember correctly.
I would hope nobody thought I was serious, but hey, a few downvotes isn’t worth getting chuffed about. I doubt all that many people care enough for it to get “snowed under.”