It seems that historically chemistry as a separate field was about to be born/distinguish itself from the other aactivities. Fanboying over stuff like “experimentally verify the amount of elements instead of assuming 4” seems to be “sciency chemist” stuff. If you inject good epistemics to a bad field is that raising the sanity water level or succumbing to taintd fields? It could be that “chemistry” was not concievable topic of interest and people that were interested in mixing stuff were directed alchemy sources.
We also didn’t come up witha new science to support helioscentrism and let a geocentrism kill out a deadend field. Rather within fields there are paradigm shifts.
It seems that historically chemistry as a separate field was about to be born/distinguish itself from the other aactivities. Fanboying over stuff like “experimentally verify the amount of elements instead of assuming 4” seems to be “sciency chemist” stuff. If you inject good epistemics to a bad field is that raising the sanity water level or succumbing to taintd fields? It could be that “chemistry” was not concievable topic of interest and people that were interested in mixing stuff were directed alchemy sources.
We also didn’t come up witha new science to support helioscentrism and let a geocentrism kill out a deadend field. Rather within fields there are paradigm shifts.