I find the subject of the emergence of language, culture, and society to be quite fascinating. I want to build a more comprehensive model of global prehistory from approximately 200,000 − 3,000 BCE than just “hunter-gatherer societies and spoken language”.
I understand that the understanding of these eras is frequently in flux due to the high degree of interpretation required and the scarcity of archaeological evidence, so I am more expecting books that try to give accurate bounds on the events of those areas and not take too many liberties with the available evidence.
Some popular books, such as Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens, cover the topics I want to learn more about but I think Sapiens is not really the level of rigor for which I’m looking.
[Question] Which books provide a good overview of modern human prehistory?
I find the subject of the emergence of language, culture, and society to be quite fascinating. I want to build a more comprehensive model of global prehistory from approximately 200,000 − 3,000 BCE than just “hunter-gatherer societies and spoken language”.
I understand that the understanding of these eras is frequently in flux due to the high degree of interpretation required and the scarcity of archaeological evidence, so I am more expecting books that try to give accurate bounds on the events of those areas and not take too many liberties with the available evidence.
Some popular books, such as Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens, cover the topics I want to learn more about but I think Sapiens is not really the level of rigor for which I’m looking.