I managed to turn an essay assignment into an opportunity to write about the Singularity, and I thought I’d turn to LW for feedback on the paper. The paper is about Thomas Pogge, a German philosopher who works on institutional efforts to end poverty and is a pledger for Giving What We Can.
I offer a basic argument that he and other poverty activists should work on creating a positive Singularity, sampling liberally from well-known Less Wrong arguments. It’s more academic than I would prefer, and it includes some loose talk of ‘duties’ (which bothers me), but for its goals, these things shouldn’t be a huge problem. But maybe they are—I want to know that too.
I’ve already turned the assignment in, but when I make a better version, I’ll send the paper to Pogge himself. I’d like to see if I can successfully introduce him to these ideas. My one conversation with him indicates that he would be open to actually changing his mind. He’s clearly thought deeply about how to do good, and may simply have not been exposed to the idea of the Singularity yet.
I want feedback on all aspects of the paper - style, argumentation, clarity. Be as constructively cruel as I know only you can.
If anyone’s up for it, fee free to add feedback using Track Changes and email me a copy—mjcurzi[at]wustl.edu. I obviously welcome comments on the thread as well.
Writing feedback requested: activists should pursue a positive Singularity
I managed to turn an essay assignment into an opportunity to write about the Singularity, and I thought I’d turn to LW for feedback on the paper. The paper is about Thomas Pogge, a German philosopher who works on institutional efforts to end poverty and is a pledger for Giving What We Can.
I offer a basic argument that he and other poverty activists should work on creating a positive Singularity, sampling liberally from well-known Less Wrong arguments. It’s more academic than I would prefer, and it includes some loose talk of ‘duties’ (which bothers me), but for its goals, these things shouldn’t be a huge problem. But maybe they are—I want to know that too.
I’ve already turned the assignment in, but when I make a better version, I’ll send the paper to Pogge himself. I’d like to see if I can successfully introduce him to these ideas. My one conversation with him indicates that he would be open to actually changing his mind. He’s clearly thought deeply about how to do good, and may simply have not been exposed to the idea of the Singularity yet.
I want feedback on all aspects of the paper - style, argumentation, clarity. Be as constructively cruel as I know only you can.
If anyone’s up for it, fee free to add feedback using Track Changes and email me a copy—mjcurzi[at]wustl.edu. I obviously welcome comments on the thread as well.
You can read the paper here in various formats.
Upvotes for all. Thank you!