Toronto Meetup, May 10th

When: Tuesday, May 10th, 20:00

Where: The Bedford Academy, 36 Prince Arthur Avenue

Hi everyone,

The Toronto meetup group is having one of our bi-weekly meetings this Tuesday at the Bedford Academy. The reservation is under the name Spencer Sleep. I have requested a table upstairs, as it tends to be much quieter up there.

Regulars take note: This meeting is on Tuesday, not Thursday. This change is because Thursday night is a busy night for bars, so it tends be much louder than Tuesday nights.

Newcomers are, as always, extremely welcome.

The discussion topic for this meeting is the feasibility of nuclear power. If that is too abstract for you, then it is the feasibility of nuclear power as an energy source when compared to alternatives as they stand today, judged on the basis of economic and environmental effects and logistics (availability of fuel, creation of waste, etc...). This discussion topic comes from a meeting a few weeks ago where we wanted to try applying rationality to “solve” (or at least gain a better understanding of) controversial problems, such as that of nuclear power. Since these are such hot topics, discussions are usually very charged with emotions, and biases run rampant. We wanted to see if we could make headway by approaching it from a rational standpoint. Five minutes into the discussion, we determined that we did not have enough facts and that all we were doing was quoting contradictory numbers at each other. We determined to put it off for another day when we had had time to prepare. That day is today (well, Tuesday).

Note: This discussion topic will probably not take up more than an hour of the meeting, so even if this topic does not particularly interest you please show up anyway, as there will be many other discussions throughout the night.

If you want to hear about upcoming LessWrong events in Toronto, or have ideas about how or when those events should be run, join the Toronto LessWrong Google Group!

See you Tuesday