See here for the previous update if you missed / forgot it.
In this update, no new game content, but new graphics.
I wasn’t terribly happy about the graphical representation of the various nodes in the last update. Especially in the first two networks, if you didn’t read the descriptions of the nodes carefully, it was very easy to just click your way through them without really having a clue of what the network was actually doing. Needless to say, for a game that’s supposed to teach how the networks function, this is highly non-optimal.
Here’s the representation that I’m now experimenting with: the truth table of the nodes is represented graphically inside the node. The prior variable at the top doesn’t really have a truth table, it’s just true or false. The “is” variable at the bottom is true if its parent is true, and false if its parent is false.
You may remember that in the previous update, unobservable nodes were represented in grayscale. I ended up dropping that, because that would have been confusing in this representation: if the parent is unobservable, should the blobs representing its truth values in the child node be in grayscale as well? Both “yes” and “no” answers felt confusing.
Instead the observational state of a node is now represented by its border color. Black for unobservable, gray for observable, no border for observed. The metaphor is supposed to be something like, a border is a veil of ignorance blocking us from seeing the node directly, but if the veil is gray it’s weak enough to be broken, whereas a black veil is strong enough to resist a direct assault. Or something.
When you observe a node, not only does its border disappear, but the truth table entries that get reduced to a zero probability disappear, to be replaced by white boxes. I experimented with having the eliminated entries still show up in grayscale, so you could e.g. see that the “is” node used to contain the entry for (false → false), but felt that this looked clearer.
The “or” node at the bottom is getting a little crowded, but hopefully not too crowded. Since we know that its value is “true”, the truth table entry showing (false, false → false) shows up in all whites. It’s also already been observed, so it starts without a border.
After we observe that there’s no monster behind us, the “or” node loses its entries for (monster, !waiting → looks) and (monster, waiting → looks), leaving only (!monster, waiting → looks): meaning that the boy must be waiting for us to answer.
This could still be made clearer: currently the network updates instantly. I’m thinking about adding a brief animation where the “monster” variable would first be revealed as false, which would then propagate an update to the values of “looks at you” (with e.g. the red tile in “monster” blinking at the same time as the now-invalid truth table entries, and when the tiles stopped blinking, those now-invalid entries would have disappeared), and that would in turn propagate the update to the “waiting” node, deleting the red color from it. But I haven’t yet implemented this.
The third network is where things get a little tricky. The “attacking” node is of type “majority vote”—i.e. it’s true if at least two of its parents are true, and false otherwise. That would make for a truth table with eight entries, each holding four blobs each, and we could already see the “or” node in the previous screen being crowded. I’m not quite sure of what to do here. At this moment I’m thinking of just leaving the node as is, and displaying more detailed information in the sidebar.
Here’s another possible problem. Just having the truth table entries works fine to make it obvious where the overall probability of the node comes from… for as long as the valid values of the entries are restricted to “possible” and “impossible”. Then you can see at a glance that, say, of the three possible entries, two would make this node true and one would make this false, so there’s a ⅔ chance of it being true.
But in this screen, that has ceased to be the case. The “attacking” node has a 75% chance of being true, meaning that, for instance, the “is / block” node’s “true → true” entry also has a 75% chance of being the right one. This isn’t reflected in the truth table visualization. I thought of adding small probability bars under each truth table entry, or having the size of the truth table blobs reflect their probability, but then I’d have to make the nodes even bigger, and it feels like it would easily start looking cluttered again. But maybe it’d be the right choice anyway? Or maybe just put the more detailed information in the sidebar? I’m not sure of the best thing to do here.
If anyone has good suggestions, I would be grateful to get advice from people who have more of a visual designer gene than I do!
Bayes Academy Development Report 2 - improved data visualization
See here for the previous update if you missed / forgot it.
In this update, no new game content, but new graphics.
I wasn’t terribly happy about the graphical representation of the various nodes in the last update. Especially in the first two networks, if you didn’t read the descriptions of the nodes carefully, it was very easy to just click your way through them without really having a clue of what the network was actually doing. Needless to say, for a game that’s supposed to teach how the networks function, this is highly non-optimal.
Here’s the representation that I’m now experimenting with: the truth table of the nodes is represented graphically inside the node. The prior variable at the top doesn’t really have a truth table, it’s just true or false. The “is” variable at the bottom is true if its parent is true, and false if its parent is false.
You may remember that in the previous update, unobservable nodes were represented in grayscale. I ended up dropping that, because that would have been confusing in this representation: if the parent is unobservable, should the blobs representing its truth values in the child node be in grayscale as well? Both “yes” and “no” answers felt confusing.
Instead the observational state of a node is now represented by its border color. Black for unobservable, gray for observable, no border for observed. The metaphor is supposed to be something like, a border is a veil of ignorance blocking us from seeing the node directly, but if the veil is gray it’s weak enough to be broken, whereas a black veil is strong enough to resist a direct assault. Or something.
When you observe a node, not only does its border disappear, but the truth table entries that get reduced to a zero probability disappear, to be replaced by white boxes. I experimented with having the eliminated entries still show up in grayscale, so you could e.g. see that the “is” node used to contain the entry for (false → false), but felt that this looked clearer.
The “or” node at the bottom is getting a little crowded, but hopefully not too crowded. Since we know that its value is “true”, the truth table entry showing (false, false → false) shows up in all whites. It’s also already been observed, so it starts without a border.
After we observe that there’s no monster behind us, the “or” node loses its entries for (monster, !waiting → looks) and (monster, waiting → looks), leaving only (!monster, waiting → looks): meaning that the boy must be waiting for us to answer.
This could still be made clearer: currently the network updates instantly. I’m thinking about adding a brief animation where the “monster” variable would first be revealed as false, which would then propagate an update to the values of “looks at you” (with e.g. the red tile in “monster” blinking at the same time as the now-invalid truth table entries, and when the tiles stopped blinking, those now-invalid entries would have disappeared), and that would in turn propagate the update to the “waiting” node, deleting the red color from it. But I haven’t yet implemented this.
The third network is where things get a little tricky. The “attacking” node is of type “majority vote”—i.e. it’s true if at least two of its parents are true, and false otherwise. That would make for a truth table with eight entries, each holding four blobs each, and we could already see the “or” node in the previous screen being crowded. I’m not quite sure of what to do here. At this moment I’m thinking of just leaving the node as is, and displaying more detailed information in the sidebar.
Here’s another possible problem. Just having the truth table entries works fine to make it obvious where the overall probability of the node comes from… for as long as the valid values of the entries are restricted to “possible” and “impossible”. Then you can see at a glance that, say, of the three possible entries, two would make this node true and one would make this false, so there’s a ⅔ chance of it being true.
But in this screen, that has ceased to be the case. The “attacking” node has a 75% chance of being true, meaning that, for instance, the “is / block” node’s “true → true” entry also has a 75% chance of being the right one. This isn’t reflected in the truth table visualization. I thought of adding small probability bars under each truth table entry, or having the size of the truth table blobs reflect their probability, but then I’d have to make the nodes even bigger, and it feels like it would easily start looking cluttered again. But maybe it’d be the right choice anyway? Or maybe just put the more detailed information in the sidebar? I’m not sure of the best thing to do here.
If anyone has good suggestions, I would be grateful to get advice from people who have more of a visual designer gene than I do!