Suggestions based on no research: Do the things which tend to help with depression—exercise, light in the morning, arguing rationally against thoughts that portray the world or your self as intrinsically bad.
Some of this discussion assumes that suicide is generally irrational. But you can potentially also affect ‘rational’ suicide.
By avoiding injuries or illnesses that cause a great deal of pain, especially chronic pain. I remember when I had a very painful back problem (now fixed) I read that suicide is unusually common among people with chronic pain.
By avoiding social isolation. There are plenty of things you can do to cultivate a wide and vibrant social life.
By avoiding social isolation. There are plenty of things you can do to cultivate a wide and vibrant social life.
This is not as trivial for a depressed person as you make it sound. But I agree with the part about the (ir)rationality of suicide and how this method is preferable to tricking yourself into thinking the world is a nicer place than it may be.
Suggestions based on no research: Do the things which tend to help with depression—exercise, light in the morning, arguing rationally against thoughts that portray the world or your self as intrinsically bad.
Some of this discussion assumes that suicide is generally irrational. But you can potentially also affect ‘rational’ suicide.
By avoiding injuries or illnesses that cause a great deal of pain, especially chronic pain. I remember when I had a very painful back problem (now fixed) I read that suicide is unusually common among people with chronic pain.
By avoiding social isolation. There are plenty of things you can do to cultivate a wide and vibrant social life.
This is not as trivial for a depressed person as you make it sound. But I agree with the part about the (ir)rationality of suicide and how this method is preferable to tricking yourself into thinking the world is a nicer place than it may be.
I did not mean to imply it was trivial.