Berkeley Monthly Meetup, June 11th, 7:00 PM

Hey all!

The monthly Berkeley meetup will be held at 3045 Shattuck Avenue, two blocks east of the Ashby BART station. It’s a 3 story building with apartments on the top 2 floors and a large open commercial space on the bottom. The Singularity Institute has rented the commercial space and the top floor apartment; they haven’t rented the middle floor, so avoid disturbing the neighbors there. The building is a really great location, recently built, and with a plethora of chairs and tables. What’s more, you can actually move them! The day will be Saturday the 11th, and as usual the time will be 7 PM. If you need any help finding the place, feel free to give me a call at 952.217.0505.

Also, consider requesting an invitation to the bayarealesswrong google group if you’re in the area and not already on it, as there are further events and postings there.

This is my first time posting a meetup, so I may fail in my attempt to check back for any replies. If you want to be absolutely sure something reaches me, my gmail is frank dot c dot adamek.

See you there!