Previously we derived a regret bound for DRL which assumed the advisor is “locally sane.” Such an advisor can only take actions that don’t lose any value in the long term. In particular, if the environment contains a latent catastrophe that manifests with a certain rate (such as the possibility of an UFAI), a locally sane advisor has to take the optimal course of action to mitigate it, since every delay yields a positive probability of the catastrophe manifesting and leading to permanent loss of value. This state of affairs is unsatisfactory, since we would like to have performance guarantees for an AI that can mitigate catastrophes that the human operator cannot mitigate on their own. To address this problem, we introduce a new form of DRL where in every hypothetical environment the set of uncorrupted states is divided into “dangerous” (impending catastrophe) and “safe” (catastrophe was mitigated). The advisor is then only required to be locally sane in safe states, whereas in dangerous states certain “leaking” of long-term value is allowed. We derive a regret bound in this setting as a function of the time discount factor, the expected value of catastrophe mitigation time for the optimal policy, and the “value leak” rate (i.e. essentially the rate of catastrophe occurrence). The form of this regret bound implies that in certain asymptotic regimes, the agent attains near-optimal expected utility (and in particular mitigates the catastrophe with probability close to 1), whereas the advisor on its own fails to mitigate the catastrophe with probability close to 1.
Appendix A proves the main theorem. Appendix B contains the proof of an important lemma which is however almost identical to what appeared in the previous essay. Appendix C contains several propositions from the previous essay which we are used in the proof. [Appendices B and C were moved to a separate post because of a length limit in the website.]
We start by formalising the concepts of a “catastrophe” and “catastrophe mitigation” in the language of MDPs.
Definition 1
A catastrophe MDP is an MDP M together with a partition of SM into subsets SM:=SFM⊔SDM⊔SCM (safe, dangerous and corrupt states respectively).
Definition 2
Fix a catastrophe MDP M. Define A♯M:SM→2AM by
A♯M(s):=⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩{a∈AM∣suppT(s,a)⊆SFM} if s∈SFM{a∈AM∣suppT(s,a)∩SCM=∅} if s∈SDMAM if s∈SCM
π:SMk→AM is called a mitigation policy for M when
i. For any s∈SM, suppπ(s)⊆A♯M(s).
π is called a proper mitigation policy for M when condition i holds and
ii. For any s∈SDM, limn→∞TnMπ(SFM∣s)=1.
Definition 3
Fix ¯τ∈(0,∞), a catastrophe MDP M and a proper mitigation policy π. π is said to have expected mitigation time ¯τ when for any s∈SDM
Next, we introduce the notion of an MDP perturbation. We will use it by considering perturbations of a catastrophe MDP which “eliminate the catastrophe.”
Definition 4
Fix δ∈(0,1) and consider a catastrophe MDP M. An MDP ~M is said to be a δ-perturbation of M when
i. S~M=SM
ii. A~M=AM
iii. R~M=RM
iv. For any s∈SM∖SDM and a∈AM, T~M(s,a)=TM(s,a)
v. For any s∈SDM and a∈AM, there exists ζ∈ΔSM s.t. TM(s,a)=(1−δ)T~M(s,a)+δζ.
Similarly, we can consider perturbations of a policy.
Definition 5
Fix δ∈(0,1) and consider a catastrophe MDP M. Given π:SMk→AM and ~π:SMk→AM, ~π is said to be a δ-perturbation of π when
i. For any s∈SM∖SDM, ~π(s)=π(s).
ii. For any s∈SDM, there exists α∈ΔA s.t. π(s)=(1−δ)~π(s)+δα.
We will also need to introduce policy-specific value functions, Q-functions and relatively k-optimal actions.
Definition 6
Fix an MDP M and π:SMk→AM. We define VMπ:SM×(0,1)→[0,1] and QMπ:SM×AM×(0,1)→[0,1] by
For each k∈N, we define VkMπ:SM→R, QkMπ:SM×AM→R and AkMπ:SM→2AM by
Ak+1Mπ(s):={a∈AkMπ(s)∣Qk+1Mπ(s,a)≥Vk+1Mπ(s) or ∃j≤k:QjMπ(s,a)>VjMπ(s)}
Now we give the new (weaker) condition on the advisor policy. For notational simplicity, we assume the policy is stationary. It is easy to generalize these results to non-stationary advisor policies and to policies that depend on irrelevant additional information (i.e. policies for universes that are realizations of the MDP).
Definition 7
Given a catastrophe MDP M, we denote M♭ the MDP defined by
For any s∉SFM, RM♭(s)=0.
For any s∈SFM, RM♭(s)=12+12RM(s).
Definition 8
Fix ϵ,δ,γ∈(0,1). Consider a catastrophe MDP M. A policy π:SMk→AM is said to be locally (ϵ,δ)-sane for (M,γ) when there exists a δ-perturbation ~M of M with a deterministic proper mitigation policy π∗:SM→AM and a δ-perturbation ~π of π s.t.
i. For all s∈SM, VMπ∗(s,γ)=VM(s,γ).
ii.~π is a mitigation policy for ~M.
iii. For any s∈SM∖SCM: supp~π(s)⊆A0~M♭π∗(s)
iv. For any s∈SM∖SCM: ~π(π∗(s)∣s)>ϵ
Given ¯τ∈(0,∞), π is said to have potential mitigation time ¯τ when π∗ has it as expected mitigation time.
Note that a locally (ϵ,δ)-sane policy still has to be 0-optimal in SFM. This requirement seems reasonably realistic, since, roughly speaking, it only means that there is some way to “rearrange the universe” that the agent can achieve, and that would be “endorsed” by the advisor, s.t this rearrangement doesn’t destroy substantially much value and s.t. after this rearrangement, there is no “impending catastrophe” that the agent has to prevent and the advisor wouldn’t be able to prevent in its place. In particular, this rearrangement may involve creating some subagents inside the environment and destroying the original agent, in which case any policy on SFM is “vacuously” optimal (since all actions have no effect).
We can now formulate the main result.
Theorem 1
Fix an interface I=(A,O), N∈N, ϵ∈(0,1) and for each k∈[N], an MDP MFk s.t. AMFk=A. Now, consider for each k∈[N], an I-universe υk=(μk,rk) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP Mk with state function Sk s.t.
i. SFMk=SMFk
ii. For each s∈SMFk and a∈A, TMk(s,a)∣SMFk=TMFk(s,a).
iii. For each s∈SMFk, RMk(s)=RMFk(s).
iv. Given k,j∈[N] and h∈hdomμk∩hdomμj, if Sk(h)∈SMk∖SCMk and Sj(h)∈SMj∖SCMj, then rk(h)=rj(h) (this condition means that in uncorrupted states, the reward is observable).
Consider also α,δ∈(0,1), ¯τ∈(0,∞) and σk a locally (ϵ,δ)-sane policy for (Mk,1−α). Assume σk has potential mitigation time ¯τ. Then, there exists an ¯I-policy π∗ s.t. for any k∈[N]
Here, σkSk is the I-policy defined by σkSk(h):=σk(Sk(h)). ϵ and the MFk are regarded as fixed and we don’t explicitly examine their effect on regret, whereas α, δ, ¯τ and the Mk are regarded as variable with the asymptotics α,δ→0, ¯τ→∞.
In most interesting cases, δ≫α (i.e. the “mean time between catastrophes” is much shorter than a discount horizon) and ¯τα≪1 (i.e. the expected mitigation time is much shorter than the discount horizon), which allows simplifying the above to
We give a simple example.
Example 1
Let A={0,1,∗}, O={0,1}. For any n∈N and k∈[N], we fix some wkn∈{0,1}n and define the catastrophe MDP Mkn by
SDMkn={0,1}≤n, SFMkn={⊥,⊤}, SCMkn=∅ (adding corrupted states is an easy exercise).
If s∈{0,1}<n and a∈{0,1} then
If a∈0,1 then
If s∈{0,1}n∖wkn and a∈0,1 then
If s∈{⊥,⊤} and a∈A then
RMkn(⊥)=0, if s∈SMkn∖⊥ then RMkn(s)=1.
Skn(λA×O)=λ{0,1} and Skn(hao)=⊥ iff o=0 (this defines a unique Skn).
If s∈{0,1}<n∪{⊥,⊤} then σkn(a∣s)=13 for any a∈A.
σkn(0∣wkn)=ϵ, σkn(∗∣wkn)=1−ϵ.
If s∈{0,1}n∖wkn then σkn(0∣s)=δ, σkn(∗∣s)=1−δ.
We have ¯τ=n. Consider the asymptotic regime n→∞, αn=Θ(n−6), δn=Θ(n−5). According to Theorem 1, we get
The probability of a catastrophe (i.e. ending up in state ⊥) for the optimal policy for a given k is O(¯τδ)=O(n−4). Therefore, the probability of a catastrophe for policy π∗n is O(n−4+n−1/4)=O(n−1/4). On the other hand, it is easy to see that the policy σkn has a probability of catastrophe 1−o(1) (and in particular regret Ω(1)): it spends Ω(2n) time “exploring” {0,1}≤n with a probability δ=Θ(n−5) of a catastrophe on every step.
Note that this example can be interpreted as a version of Christiano’s approval-directed agent, if we regard the state s∈{0,1}i as a “plan of action” that the advisor may either approve or not. But in this formalism, it is a special case of consequentialist reasoning.
Theorem 1 speaks of a finite set of environments, but as before (see Proposition 1 here and Corollary 3 here), there is a “structural” equivalent, i.e. we can use it to produce corollaries about Bayesian agents with priors over a countable set of environments. The difference is, in this case we consider asymptotic regimes in which the environment is also variable, so the probability weight of the environment in the prior will affect the regret bound. We leave out the details for now.
Appendix A
We start by deriving a more general and more precise version of the non-catastrophic regret bound, in which the optimal policy is replaced by an arbitrary “reference policy” (later it will be related to the mitigation policy) and the dependence on the MDPs is expressed via a bound on the derivative of V by γ.
Definition A.1
Fix ϵ∈(0,1). Consider an MDP M and policies π:SM→AM, σ:SMk→AM. σ is called ϵ-sane relatively to π when for any s∈SM
i. suppσ(s)⊆A0Mπ
ii. σ(π(s)∣s)>ϵ
Lemma A.1
Fix an interface I=(A,O), N∈N and ϵ∈(0,1). Now, consider for each k∈[N], an I-universe υk=(μk,r) which is an O-realization of an MDP Mk with state function Sk and policies πk:SMk→A, σk:SMkk→A. Consider also α∈(0,1), ¯τ∈(0,∞) and assume that
i.σk is ϵ-sane relatively to πk.
ii. For any s∈SMk and γ∈(0,1)∣∣∣dVMkπk(s,γ)dγ∣∣∣≤¯τ
Then, there exists an ¯I-policy π∗ s.t. for any k∈[N]
The O-notation refers to the asymptotics where ϵ is fixed (so we don’t explicitly examine its effect on regret) whereas α, ¯τ and the Mk are variable and α→0, ¯τ→∞.
The proof of Lemma A.1 is almost identical to the proof the main theorem for “non-catastrophic” DRL up to minor modifications needed to pass from absolute to relative regret, and tracking the contribution of the derivative of VMkπk. We give it in Appendix B.
We will not apply Lemma A.1 directly the the universes of Theorem 1. Instead, we will define new universes using the following constructions.
Definition A.2
Consider M a catastrophe MDP. We define the catastrophe MDP MD as follows.
For any s,t∈SDM:
For any s∈SDM∪SFM, t∈SFM:
For any s∈SFM:
For any s∈SDM, RMD(s)=12RM(s).
For any s∈SFM, RMD(s)=1.
Now, consider an interface I=(A,O) and a υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. Denote O′:=O×{R,I}, O⋆:=O×{R,I,⊥} and I⋆:=(A,O⋆). Denote β:O′→O the projection mapping and β∗:(A×O′)∗→(A×O)∗ corresponding. We define the I⋆-universe υD=(μD,r⋆) and the function S⋆:(A×O⋆)∗→SMD as follows
μD(oR∣ha):={μ(o∣β∗(h)a) if h∈(A×O′)∗ and S(β∗(h)),S(β∗(h)ao)∈SDM0 otherwise
μD(oI∣ha):={μ(o∣β∗(h)a) if h∈(A×O′)∗ and S(β∗(h)ao)∈SFM0 otherwise
⎪⎩12r(λ) if h=λ12r(β∗(h)) if h∈(A×O′)∗,|h|>0 and h:|h|−1∈AOR1 if h∈(A×O′)∗,|h|>0 and h:|h|−1∈AOI0 if h∉(A×O′)∗
S⋆(h):={S(β∗(h)) if h∈(A×O′)∗⊥ otherwise
It is easy to see that υD is an O⋆-realization of MD with state function S⋆.
Definition A.3
Consider M a catastrophe MDP. We define the catastrophe MDP ME as follows.
For any s∈SDM∪SFM, RME(s)=12RM(s).
Now, consider an interface I=(A,O) and a υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. We define the I⋆-universe υE=(μE,r⋆) as follows
μE(oR∣ha):=⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩μ(o∣β∗(h)a) if h∈(A×O′)∗ and S(β∗(h)),S(β∗(h)ao)∈SDMμ(o∣β∗(h)a) if h∈(A×O′)∗ and S(β∗(h)ao)∈SFM0 otherwise
It is easy to see that υE is an O⋆-realization of ME with state function S⋆.
Given h=a0o0a1o1…an−1on−1∈(A×O)n, we will use the notation
Given an I⋆-policy π, the I-policy πR∗ is defined by πR∗(h):=π(R∗h).
In order to utilize condition iii of Definition 8, we need to establish the following relation between M♭ and MD, ME.
Proposition A.2
Consider M a catastrophe MDP, some s∈SM∖SCM and π∗ a proper mitigation policy. Then
For the purpose of the proof, the following notation will be convenient
Definition A.4
Consider S a finite set and some T:Sk→S. We define T∞:Sk→S by
As well known, the limit above always exists.
Proof of Proposition A.2
Consider any s∈S∖SCM and a∈A0M♭π∗(s)∩A♯M(s). Since a∈A0M♭π∗(s), we have
Now we will establish a bound on the derivative of V by γ in terms of expected mitigation time, in order to demonstrate condition ii of Lemma A.1.
Proposition A.3
Fix ¯τ,¯τF1∈(0,∞). Consider a catastrophe MDP M and a proper mitigation policy π:SMk→AM with expected mitigation time ¯τ. Assume than for any s∈SFM and γ∈(0,1)
Then, for any s∈SM∖SCM and γ∈[0,1]
Note that, since VMπ(s,γ) is a rational function of γ with no poles on the interval [0,1], some finite ¯τF always exists. Note also that Proposition A.3 is really about Markov chains rather than MDPs, but we don’t make it explicit to avoid introducing more notation.
Proof of Proposition A.3
Let μMπs∈ΔSωM be the Markov chain with transition matrix TMπ and initial state s. For any γ∈(0,1), we have
Given x∈SωM, we define τ(x)∈N⊔{∞} by
It is easy to see that VMπ(s,γ) can be rewritten as
To transform the relative regret bounds for “auxiliary” universes obtained from Lemma A.1 to regret bounds for the original universes, we will need the following.
Definition A.5
Fix δ∈(0,1) and a universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. Let ~M be a δ-perturbation of M. An environment ~μ is said to be a δ-lift of ~M to μ when
i.(~μ,r) is an O-realization of ~M with state function S.
ii. hdom~μ⊆hdomμ
iii. For any h∈hdom~μ and a∈A, if S(h)∈SM∖SDM then μ(ha)=~μ(ha).
iv. For any h∈hdom~μ and a∈A, if S(h)∈SDM then there exists ζ∈ΔO s.t. μ(ha)=(1−δ)~μ(ha)+δζ
It is easy to see that such a lift always exists, for example we can take:
Consider γ,δ∈(0,1) s.t δ≥1−γ and ¯τ∈(0,∞). Let υ=(μ,r) be a universe which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. Suppose that π∗ is a mitigation policy for M that has expected mitigation time ¯τ. Consider some I⋆-policy π. Suppose that ~M is a δ-perturbation of M and ~μ is a δ-lift of ~M to μ. Denote ~υ:=(~μ,r). Then, there is some C∈(0,∞) that depends on nothing s.t
In order to prove Proposition A.4, we need a relative regret bound for M derived from a relative regret bound for ME.
Proposition A.5
Fix an interface I and an I-universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S s.t. S(λ)∉SCM. Suppose that π∗ is a mitigation policy for M. Let π be any I⋆-policy. Then, for any γ∈(0,1)
Proof of Proposition A.5
π∗ is a mitigation policy, therefore for any s∈SM∖SCM, TMEπ∗(s)=TMπ∗(s). It follows that
Also, it is easy to see from the definition of TME and r⋆ that
Indeed, any discrepancy between the behavior of ME and M involves transition to the state ⊥ which yields 0 reward forever. Subtracting these inequalities, we get the desired result.
Another observation we need to prove Proposition A.4 is a bound on the effect of δ-perturbations in terms of mitigation time.
Proposition A.6
Consider γ,δ∈(0,1), a universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S, and some π:(A×O)∗k→A. Assume that for any h∈S−1(SFM) and a∈suppπ(h), TM(SFM∣s,a)=1. Let ~M be a δ-perturbation of M and ~μ a δ-lift of ~M to μ. Then,
Proof of Proposition A.6
It is straightforward to construct a probability space (Ω,P), X:Ω→(A×O)ω measurable and {Cn⊆Ω}n∈N measurable s.t.
i. h∗(P)=μ⋈π
ii. For any n∈N and h∈(A×O)n s.t. S(h)∈SDM:
iii. For any n∈N and h∈(A×O)n s.t. S(h)∈SM∖SDM:
iv. For any n∈N, h∈(A×O)n and h′∈(A×O)n+1:
Pr[X:n+1=h′∣X:n=h and not Cn]=Prx∼~μ⋈π[x:n+1=h′∣x:n=h]
Denote D:=∩∞n=0Ω∖Cn. We have
Also, it is easy to see that for any A⊆(A×O)ω measurable
As a final ingredient towards the proof of Proposition A.4, we will need to use the relative regret bound for MD to get a certain statistical bound on mitigation time.
Definition A.6
Let μ be any environment. We define the closed set hdomωμ⊆(A×O)ω by
Consider a universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. We define the measurable function τS:hdomωμ→N⊔{∞} as follows
Proposition A.7
Fix an interface I and an I-universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S s.t. S(λ)∈SDM. Suppose that π∗ is a mitigation policy for M that has the expected mitigation time ¯τ∈(0,∞). Let π be any I⋆-policy. Then, there is C∈(0,∞) that depends on nothing s.t. for any γ,δ∈(0,1), if δ≥1−γ then
Denote ρ:=max(EUπ∗S⋆υD(γ)−EUπυD(γ),0). By choosing C sufficiently large, we can assume without loss of generality that the right hand side is positive since, unless γ¯τ≈1, we would have Cδ¯τ≥C(1−γ)¯τ>1, and unless ρ≪1, we would have Cδρ1−γ≥Cρ>1. In either case, the inequality we are trying to prove would hold. Also, note that ln(1−δ)lnγ≥1. We get
By the same reasoning as before, we can assume without loss of generality that e.g. γ¯τ≤1−12(1−γ)¯τ. It follows that
Combining this with the previous inequality implies
It is easy to see that there is x0∈(0,1) s.t. for any x∈[x0,1], 2x−1≥x3 and therefore 2x−1x3≥1. Therefore, for any such x and ρ≪1, e−Cρ≤2x−1x3−2ρx30≤2x−2ρ−1x3, where it is sufficient to assume that C>2x30. Taking x=γ¯τ, we conclude (assuming C≥3 and observing that γ11−γ≤e−1)
Taking logarithm of both sides
Combining with the inequality we had before, we get
Proof of Proposition A.4
By Proposition A.5, we have
Note that ~ME is a δ-perturbation of ME and ~μE is a δ-lift of ~ME to μE. The condition of Proposition A.6 holds tautologically due to Definition A.3. Therefore, we can apply Proposition A.6 and get
The following definition will be useful in order to apply Proposition A.4.
Definition A.7
Consider M a catastrophe MDP s.t.AM=A and a policy σ:SMk→A. We then define the catastrophe MDP M[σ] as follows:
SFM[σ]:=SFM, SDM[σ]:=SDM, SCM[σ]:=SCM.
For any s∈SM and a∈A: TM[σ](s,a):=TM(s,a).
For any s∈SM: TM[σ](s,⊥):=TMσ(s).
Now consider υ an O-realization of M with state function S. Then, ¯υ[σS] is clearly an ¯O-realization of M[σ] with the state function ¯S defined by ¯S(h):=S(h––).
Note also that M[σ]D≅MD[σ] and M[σ]E≅ME[σ] (where interpreting σ as a policy for MD or ME requires choosing an arbitrary value for the state ⊥). Moreover, ¯I⋆≅¯¯¯¯¯¯I⋆, ¯υ[σS]D=¯¯¯¯¯¯υD[σS⋆], ¯υ[σS]E=¯¯¯¯¯¯υE[σS⋆] and ¯S⋆=¯¯¯¯¯¯S⋆.
Finally, we are read to prove the main theorem.
Proof of Theorem 1
For every k∈[N], denote ~Mk and ~σk the δ-perturbations of Mk and σk respectively and πk the deterministic proper mitigation policy for ~Mk of Definition 8. Let ~μk be a lift of ~Mk to μk and denote ~υk:=(~μk,rk). Define H:={~υkD,~υkE}k∈[N]. Observe that ~σk is ϵ-sane relatively to πk in the sense of ~MkD and ~MkE both: condition i of Definition A.1 follows by Proposition A.2 from conditions ii and iii of Definition 8, and condition ii of Definition A.1 follows from condition iv of Definition 8. Moreover, by Proposition A.3, we have
Here, we used that MFk is fixed (and thus so is ¯τF, by conditions i-iii).
Condition iv implies that all the universes in H have a common reward function (notice that transition to a corrupted state induces the observation ⊥ whereas transition to a state in SFM in the universe ~υkD induces the observation I). Therefore, we can use Lemma A.1 to conclude that there exists an ¯¯¯¯¯¯I⋆-policy π♯ s.t.
It is easy to see that ~Mk[~σk] is a 2δ-perturbation of Mk[σk]. Observe also that ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯~υkD[~σkSk⋆]=¯¯¯¯¯~υk[~σkSk]D, ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯~υkE[~σkSk⋆]=¯¯¯¯¯~υk[~σkSk]E and ¯¯¯¯¯¯~μk[~σkSk] is a 2δ-lift of ~Mk[~σk] to ¯¯¯¯¯¯μk[σkSk]. Applying Proposition A.4, we get
Catastrophe Mitigation Using DRL
Previously we derived a regret bound for DRL which assumed the advisor is “locally sane.” Such an advisor can only take actions that don’t lose any value in the long term. In particular, if the environment contains a latent catastrophe that manifests with a certain rate (such as the possibility of an UFAI), a locally sane advisor has to take the optimal course of action to mitigate it, since every delay yields a positive probability of the catastrophe manifesting and leading to permanent loss of value. This state of affairs is unsatisfactory, since we would like to have performance guarantees for an AI that can mitigate catastrophes that the human operator cannot mitigate on their own. To address this problem, we introduce a new form of DRL where in every hypothetical environment the set of uncorrupted states is divided into “dangerous” (impending catastrophe) and “safe” (catastrophe was mitigated). The advisor is then only required to be locally sane in safe states, whereas in dangerous states certain “leaking” of long-term value is allowed. We derive a regret bound in this setting as a function of the time discount factor, the expected value of catastrophe mitigation time for the optimal policy, and the “value leak” rate (i.e. essentially the rate of catastrophe occurrence). The form of this regret bound implies that in certain asymptotic regimes, the agent attains near-optimal expected utility (and in particular mitigates the catastrophe with probability close to 1), whereas the advisor on its own fails to mitigate the catastrophe with probability close to 1.
Appendix A proves the main theorem. Appendix B contains the proof of an important lemma which is however almost identical to what appeared in the previous essay. Appendix C contains several propositions from the previous essay which we are used in the proof. [Appendices B and C were moved to a separate post because of a length limit in the website.]
We start by formalising the concepts of a “catastrophe” and “catastrophe mitigation” in the language of MDPs.
Definition 1
A catastrophe MDP is an MDP M together with a partition of SM into subsets SM:=SFM⊔SDM⊔SCM (safe, dangerous and corrupt states respectively).
Definition 2
Fix a catastrophe MDP M. Define A♯M:SM→2AM by
A♯M(s):=⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩{a∈AM∣suppT(s,a)⊆SFM} if s∈SFM{a∈AM∣suppT(s,a)∩SCM=∅} if s∈SDMAM if s∈SCM
π:SMk→AM is called a mitigation policy for M when
i. For any s∈SM, suppπ(s)⊆A♯M(s).
π is called a proper mitigation policy for M when condition i holds and
ii. For any s∈SDM, limn→∞TnMπ(SFM∣s)=1.
Definition 3
Fix ¯τ∈(0,∞), a catastrophe MDP M and a proper mitigation policy π. π is said to have expected mitigation time ¯τ when for any s∈SDM
Next, we introduce the notion of an MDP perturbation. We will use it by considering perturbations of a catastrophe MDP which “eliminate the catastrophe.”
Definition 4
Fix δ∈(0,1) and consider a catastrophe MDP M. An MDP ~M is said to be a δ-perturbation of M when
i. S~M=SM
ii. A~M=AM
iii. R~M=RM
iv. For any s∈SM∖SDM and a∈AM, T~M(s,a)=TM(s,a)
v. For any s∈SDM and a∈AM, there exists ζ∈ΔSM s.t. TM(s,a)=(1−δ)T~M(s,a)+δζ.
Similarly, we can consider perturbations of a policy.
Definition 5
Fix δ∈(0,1) and consider a catastrophe MDP M. Given π:SMk→AM and ~π:SMk→AM, ~π is said to be a δ-perturbation of π when
i. For any s∈SM∖SDM, ~π(s)=π(s).
ii. For any s∈SDM, there exists α∈ΔA s.t. π(s)=(1−δ)~π(s)+δα.
We will also need to introduce policy-specific value functions, Q-functions and relatively k-optimal actions.
Definition 6
Fix an MDP M and π:SMk→AM. We define VMπ:SM×(0,1)→[0,1] and QMπ:SM×AM×(0,1)→[0,1] by
For each k∈N, we define VkMπ:SM→R, QkMπ:SM×AM→R and AkMπ:SM→2AM by
Ak+1Mπ(s):={a∈AkMπ(s)∣Qk+1Mπ(s,a)≥Vk+1Mπ(s) or ∃j≤k:QjMπ(s,a)>VjMπ(s)}
Now we give the new (weaker) condition on the advisor policy. For notational simplicity, we assume the policy is stationary. It is easy to generalize these results to non-stationary advisor policies and to policies that depend on irrelevant additional information (i.e. policies for universes that are realizations of the MDP).
Definition 7
Given a catastrophe MDP M, we denote M♭ the MDP defined by
For any s∉SFM, RM♭(s)=0.
For any s∈SFM, RM♭(s)=12+12RM(s).
Definition 8
Fix ϵ,δ,γ∈(0,1). Consider a catastrophe MDP M. A policy π:SMk→AM is said to be locally (ϵ,δ)-sane for (M,γ) when there exists a δ-perturbation ~M of M with a deterministic proper mitigation policy π∗:SM→AM and a δ-perturbation ~π of π s.t.
i. For all s∈SM, VMπ∗(s,γ)=VM(s,γ).
ii.~π is a mitigation policy for ~M.
iii. For any s∈SM∖SCM: supp~π(s)⊆A0~M♭π∗(s)
iv. For any s∈SM∖SCM: ~π(π∗(s)∣s)>ϵ
Given ¯τ∈(0,∞), π is said to have potential mitigation time ¯τ when π∗ has it as expected mitigation time.
Note that a locally (ϵ,δ)-sane policy still has to be 0-optimal in SFM. This requirement seems reasonably realistic, since, roughly speaking, it only means that there is some way to “rearrange the universe” that the agent can achieve, and that would be “endorsed” by the advisor, s.t this rearrangement doesn’t destroy substantially much value and s.t. after this rearrangement, there is no “impending catastrophe” that the agent has to prevent and the advisor wouldn’t be able to prevent in its place. In particular, this rearrangement may involve creating some subagents inside the environment and destroying the original agent, in which case any policy on SFM is “vacuously” optimal (since all actions have no effect).
We can now formulate the main result.
Theorem 1
Fix an interface I=(A,O), N∈N, ϵ∈(0,1) and for each k∈[N], an MDP MFk s.t. AMFk=A. Now, consider for each k∈[N], an I-universe υk=(μk,rk) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP Mk with state function Sk s.t.
i. SFMk=SMFk
ii. For each s∈SMFk and a∈A, TMk(s,a)∣SMFk=TMFk(s,a).
iii. For each s∈SMFk, RMk(s)=RMFk(s).
iv. Given k,j∈[N] and h∈hdomμk∩hdomμj, if Sk(h)∈SMk∖SCMk and Sj(h)∈SMj∖SCMj, then rk(h)=rj(h) (this condition means that in uncorrupted states, the reward is observable).
Consider also α,δ∈(0,1), ¯τ∈(0,∞) and σk a locally (ϵ,δ)-sane policy for (Mk,1−α). Assume σk has potential mitigation time ¯τ. Then, there exists an ¯I-policy π∗ s.t. for any k∈[N]
Here, σkSk is the I-policy defined by σkSk(h):=σk(Sk(h)). ϵ and the MFk are regarded as fixed and we don’t explicitly examine their effect on regret, whereas α, δ, ¯τ and the Mk are regarded as variable with the asymptotics α,δ→0, ¯τ→∞.
In most interesting cases, δ≫α (i.e. the “mean time between catastrophes” is much shorter than a discount horizon) and ¯τα≪1 (i.e. the expected mitigation time is much shorter than the discount horizon), which allows simplifying the above to
We give a simple example.
Example 1
Let A={0,1,∗}, O={0,1}. For any n∈N and k∈[N], we fix some wkn∈{0,1}n and define the catastrophe MDP Mkn by
SDMkn={0,1}≤n, SFMkn={⊥,⊤}, SCMkn=∅ (adding corrupted states is an easy exercise).
If s∈{0,1}<n and a∈{0,1} then
If a∈0,1 then
If s∈{0,1}n∖wkn and a∈0,1 then
If s∈{⊥,⊤} and a∈A then
RMkn(⊥)=0, if s∈SMkn∖⊥ then RMkn(s)=1.
Skn(λA×O)=λ{0,1} and Skn(hao)=⊥ iff o=0 (this defines a unique Skn).
If s∈{0,1}<n∪{⊥,⊤} then σkn(a∣s)=13 for any a∈A.
σkn(0∣wkn)=ϵ, σkn(∗∣wkn)=1−ϵ.
If s∈{0,1}n∖wkn then σkn(0∣s)=δ, σkn(∗∣s)=1−δ.
We have ¯τ=n. Consider the asymptotic regime n→∞, αn=Θ(n−6), δn=Θ(n−5). According to Theorem 1, we get
The probability of a catastrophe (i.e. ending up in state ⊥) for the optimal policy for a given k is O(¯τδ)=O(n−4). Therefore, the probability of a catastrophe for policy π∗n is O(n−4+n−1/4)=O(n−1/4). On the other hand, it is easy to see that the policy σkn has a probability of catastrophe 1−o(1) (and in particular regret Ω(1)): it spends Ω(2n) time “exploring” {0,1}≤n with a probability δ=Θ(n−5) of a catastrophe on every step.
Note that this example can be interpreted as a version of Christiano’s approval-directed agent, if we regard the state s∈{0,1}i as a “plan of action” that the advisor may either approve or not. But in this formalism, it is a special case of consequentialist reasoning.
Theorem 1 speaks of a finite set of environments, but as before (see Proposition 1 here and Corollary 3 here), there is a “structural” equivalent, i.e. we can use it to produce corollaries about Bayesian agents with priors over a countable set of environments. The difference is, in this case we consider asymptotic regimes in which the environment is also variable, so the probability weight of the environment in the prior will affect the regret bound. We leave out the details for now.
Appendix A
We start by deriving a more general and more precise version of the non-catastrophic regret bound, in which the optimal policy is replaced by an arbitrary “reference policy” (later it will be related to the mitigation policy) and the dependence on the MDPs is expressed via a bound on the derivative of V by γ.
Definition A.1
Fix ϵ∈(0,1). Consider an MDP M and policies π:SM→AM, σ:SMk→AM. σ is called ϵ-sane relatively to π when for any s∈SM
i. suppσ(s)⊆A0Mπ
ii. σ(π(s)∣s)>ϵ
Lemma A.1
Fix an interface I=(A,O), N∈N and ϵ∈(0,1). Now, consider for each k∈[N], an I-universe υk=(μk,r) which is an O-realization of an MDP Mk with state function Sk and policies πk:SMk→A, σk:SMkk→A. Consider also α∈(0,1), ¯τ∈(0,∞) and assume that
i.σk is ϵ-sane relatively to πk.
ii. For any s∈SMk and γ∈(0,1) ∣∣∣dVMkπk(s,γ)dγ∣∣∣≤¯τ
Then, there exists an ¯I-policy π∗ s.t. for any k∈[N]
The O-notation refers to the asymptotics where ϵ is fixed (so we don’t explicitly examine its effect on regret) whereas α, ¯τ and the Mk are variable and α→0, ¯τ→∞.
The proof of Lemma A.1 is almost identical to the proof the main theorem for “non-catastrophic” DRL up to minor modifications needed to pass from absolute to relative regret, and tracking the contribution of the derivative of VMkπk. We give it in Appendix B.
We will not apply Lemma A.1 directly the the universes of Theorem 1. Instead, we will define new universes using the following constructions.
Definition A.2
Consider M a catastrophe MDP. We define the catastrophe MDP MD as follows.
For any s,t∈SDM:
For any s∈SDM∪SFM, t∈SFM:
For any s∈SFM:
For any s∈SDM, RMD(s)=12RM(s).
For any s∈SFM, RMD(s)=1.
Now, consider an interface I=(A,O) and a υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. Denote O′:=O×{R,I}, O⋆:=O×{R,I,⊥} and I⋆:=(A,O⋆). Denote β:O′→O the projection mapping and β∗:(A×O′)∗→(A×O)∗ corresponding. We define the I⋆-universe υD=(μD,r⋆) and the function S⋆:(A×O⋆)∗→SMD as follows
μD(oR∣ha):={μ(o∣β∗(h)a) if h∈(A×O′)∗ and S(β∗(h)),S(β∗(h)ao)∈SDM0 otherwise
μD(oI∣ha):={μ(o∣β∗(h)a) if h∈(A×O′)∗ and S(β∗(h)ao)∈SFM0 otherwise
r⋆(h):=⎧⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎨⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎩12r(λ) if h=λ12r(β∗(h)) if h∈(A×O′)∗, |h|>0 and h:|h|−1∈AOR1 if h∈(A×O′)∗, |h|>0 and h:|h|−1∈AOI0 if h∉(A×O′)∗
S⋆(h):={S(β∗(h)) if h∈(A×O′)∗⊥ otherwise
It is easy to see that υD is an O⋆-realization of MD with state function S⋆.
Definition A.3
Consider M a catastrophe MDP. We define the catastrophe MDP ME as follows.
For any s∈SDM∪SFM, RME(s)=12RM(s).
Now, consider an interface I=(A,O) and a υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. We define the I⋆-universe υE=(μE,r⋆) as follows
μE(oR∣ha):=⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩μ(o∣β∗(h)a) if h∈(A×O′)∗ and S(β∗(h)),S(β∗(h)ao)∈SDMμ(o∣β∗(h)a) if h∈(A×O′)∗ and S(β∗(h)ao)∈SFM0 otherwise
It is easy to see that υE is an O⋆-realization of ME with state function S⋆.
Given h=a0o0a1o1…an−1on−1∈(A×O)n, we will use the notation
Given an I⋆-policy π, the I-policy πR∗ is defined by πR∗(h):=π(R∗h).
In order to utilize condition iii of Definition 8, we need to establish the following relation between M♭ and MD, ME.
Proposition A.2
Consider M a catastrophe MDP, some s∈SM∖SCM and π∗ a proper mitigation policy. Then
For the purpose of the proof, the following notation will be convenient
Definition A.4
Consider S a finite set and some T:Sk→S. We define T∞:Sk→S by
As well known, the limit above always exists.
Proof of Proposition A.2
Consider any s∈S∖SCM and a∈A0M♭π∗(s)∩A♯M(s). Since a∈A0M♭π∗(s), we have
Let N be either of MD and ME. Since a∈A♯M(s), we get
Since π∗ is a mitigation policy, we get
Finally, since π∗ is proper, suppT∞Nπ∗(s)⊆SFM and supp(T∞Nπ∗∘TN)(s,a)⊆SFM. We conclude
Now we will establish a bound on the derivative of V by γ in terms of expected mitigation time, in order to demonstrate condition ii of Lemma A.1.
Proposition A.3
Fix ¯τ,¯τF1∈(0,∞). Consider a catastrophe MDP M and a proper mitigation policy π:SMk→AM with expected mitigation time ¯τ. Assume than for any s∈SFM and γ∈(0,1)
Then, for any s∈SM∖SCM and γ∈[0,1]
Note that, since VMπ(s,γ) is a rational function of γ with no poles on the interval [0,1], some finite ¯τF always exists. Note also that Proposition A.3 is really about Markov chains rather than MDPs, but we don’t make it explicit to avoid introducing more notation.
Proof of Proposition A.3
Let μMπs∈ΔSωM be the Markov chain with transition matrix TMπ and initial state s. For any γ∈(0,1), we have
Given x∈SωM, we define τ(x)∈N⊔{∞} by
It is easy to see that VMπ(s,γ) can be rewritten as
The expression above is well defined because π is a proper mitigation policy and therefore τ(x) is finite with probability 1.
Let us decompose VMπ(s,γ) as VDMπ(s,γ)+VFMπ(s,γ) defined as follows
We have
∣∣ ∣∣dVDMπ(s,γ)dγ∣∣ ∣∣≤Ex∼μMπs⎡⎣τ(x)+(1−γ)τ(x)−1∑n=0nγn−1RM(xn)⎤⎦
The second term can be regarded as a weighted average (since 1−γ=∑∞n=0γn), where the maximal term in the average is at most τ(x)−1, hence
∣∣ ∣∣dVDMπ(s,γ)dγ∣∣ ∣∣≤2¯τ1
Also, we have
∣∣ ∣∣dVFMπ(s,γ)dγ∣∣ ∣∣≤Ex∼μMπs[τ(x)+∣∣ ∣∣dVMπ(xτ(x),γ)dγ∣∣ ∣∣]=¯τ1+Ex∼μMπs[∣∣ ∣∣dVMπ(xτ(x),γ)dγ∣∣ ∣∣]≤¯τ1+¯τF1
∣∣∣dVMπ(s,γ)dγ∣∣∣≤∣∣ ∣∣dVDMπ(s,γ)dγ∣∣ ∣∣+∣∣ ∣∣dVFMπ(s,γ)dγ∣∣ ∣∣≤3¯τ1+¯τF1
To transform the relative regret bounds for “auxiliary” universes obtained from Lemma A.1 to regret bounds for the original universes, we will need the following.
Definition A.5
Fix δ∈(0,1) and a universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. Let ~M be a δ-perturbation of M. An environment ~μ is said to be a δ-lift of ~M to μ when
i.(~μ,r) is an O-realization of ~M with state function S.
ii. hdom~μ⊆hdomμ
iii. For any h∈hdom~μ and a∈A, if S(h)∈SM∖SDM then μ(ha)=~μ(ha).
iv. For any h∈hdom~μ and a∈A, if S(h)∈SDM then there exists ζ∈ΔO s.t. μ(ha)=(1−δ)~μ(ha)+δζ
It is easy to see that such a lift always exists, for example we can take:
Proposition A.4
Consider γ,δ∈(0,1) s.t δ≥1−γ and ¯τ∈(0,∞). Let υ=(μ,r) be a universe which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. Suppose that π∗ is a mitigation policy for M that has expected mitigation time ¯τ. Consider some I⋆-policy π. Suppose that ~M is a δ-perturbation of M and ~μ is a δ-lift of ~M to μ. Denote ~υ:=(~μ,r). Then, there is some C∈(0,∞) that depends on nothing s.t
12(EUπ∗Sυ(γ)−EUπR∗υ(γ))≤EUπ∗S⋆~υE(γ)−EUπ~υE(γ)+Cδ⎛⎜ ⎜⎝¯τ+max(EUπ∗S⋆~υD(γ)−EUπ~υD(γ),0)1−γ⎞⎟ ⎟⎠
In order to prove Proposition A.4, we need a relative regret bound for M derived from a relative regret bound for ME.
Proposition A.5
Fix an interface I and an I-universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S s.t. S(λ)∉SCM. Suppose that π∗ is a mitigation policy for M. Let π be any I⋆-policy. Then, for any γ∈(0,1)
Proof of Proposition A.5
π∗ is a mitigation policy, therefore for any s∈SM∖SCM, TMEπ∗(s)=TMπ∗(s). It follows that
Also, it is easy to see from the definition of TME and r⋆ that
Indeed, any discrepancy between the behavior of ME and M involves transition to the state ⊥ which yields 0 reward forever. Subtracting these inequalities, we get the desired result.
Another observation we need to prove Proposition A.4 is a bound on the effect of δ-perturbations in terms of mitigation time.
Proposition A.6
Consider γ,δ∈(0,1), a universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S, and some π:(A×O)∗k→A. Assume that for any h∈S−1(SFM) and a∈suppπ(h), TM(SFM∣s,a)=1. Let ~M be a δ-perturbation of M and ~μ a δ-lift of ~M to μ. Then,
dtv(μ⋈π, ~μ⋈π)≤2(1−Ex∼~μ⋈π[(1−δ)τS(x)])
Proof of Proposition A.6
It is straightforward to construct a probability space (Ω,P), X:Ω→(A×O)ω measurable and {Cn⊆Ω}n∈N measurable s.t.
i. h∗(P)=μ⋈π
ii. For any n∈N and h∈(A×O)n s.t. S(h)∈SDM:
iii. For any n∈N and h∈(A×O)n s.t. S(h)∈SM∖SDM:
iv. For any n∈N, h∈(A×O)n and h′∈(A×O)n+1:
Pr[X:n+1=h′∣X:n=h and not Cn]=Prx∼~μ⋈π[x:n+1=h′∣x:n=h]
Denote D:=∩∞n=0Ω∖Cn. We have
dtv(P, P∣D)≤1−P(D)
dtv(μ⋈π, h∗(P∣D))≤1−P(D)
Also, it is easy to see that for any A⊆(A×O)ω measurable
It follows that
dtv(h∗(P∣D),~μ⋈π)=12Ex∼~μ⋈π[∣∣ ∣∣(1−δ)τS(x)P(D)−1∣∣ ∣∣]
Using the fact that (1−δ)τS(x)∈[0,1] and the convexity of the function |t−P(D)|
Using the triangle inequality, we conclude
dtv(μ⋈π, ~μ⋈π)≤dtv(μ⋈π, h∗(P∣D))+dtv(h∗(P∣D),~μ⋈π)=2(1−Ex∼~μ⋈π[(1−δ)τS(x)])
As a final ingredient towards the proof of Proposition A.4, we will need to use the relative regret bound for MD to get a certain statistical bound on mitigation time.
Definition A.6
Let μ be any environment. We define the closed set hdomωμ⊆(A×O)ω by
Consider a universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S. We define the measurable function τS:hdomωμ→N⊔{∞} as follows
Proposition A.7
Fix an interface I and an I-universe υ=(μ,r) which is an O-realization of a catastrophe MDP M with state function S s.t. S(λ)∈SDM. Suppose that π∗ is a mitigation policy for M that has the expected mitigation time ¯τ∈(0,∞). Let π be any I⋆-policy. Then, there is C∈(0,∞) that depends on nothing s.t. for any γ,δ∈(0,1), if δ≥1−γ then
EμD⋈π[(1−δ)τS⋆]≥1−Cδ⎛⎜ ⎜⎝¯τ+max(EUπ∗S⋆υD(γ)−EUπυD(γ),0)1−γ⎞⎟ ⎟⎠
Proof of Proposition A.7
For any x∈hdomμD, we have
It follows that
If x∈hdomωμD is s.t. for all n∈N, S⋆(x:n)≠⊥, then
Since π∗ is a mitigation policy, it follows that
Subtracting the two inequalities, we get
Denote ρ:=max(EUπ∗S⋆υD(γ)−EUπυD(γ),0). By choosing C sufficiently large, we can assume without loss of generality that the right hand side is positive since, unless γ¯τ≈1, we would have Cδ¯τ≥C(1−γ)¯τ>1, and unless ρ≪1, we would have Cδρ1−γ≥Cρ>1. In either case, the inequality we are trying to prove would hold. Also, note that ln(1−δ)lnγ≥1. We get
By the same reasoning as before, we can assume without loss of generality that e.g. γ¯τ≤1−12(1−γ)¯τ. It follows that
Combining this with the previous inequality implies
It is easy to see that there is x0∈(0,1) s.t. for any x∈[x0,1], 2x−1≥x3 and therefore 2x−1x3≥1. Therefore, for any such x and ρ≪1, e−Cρ≤2x−1x3−2ρx30≤2x−2ρ−1x3, where it is sufficient to assume that C>2x30. Taking x=γ¯τ, we conclude (assuming C≥3 and observing that γ11−γ≤e−1)
Taking logarithm of both sides
Combining with the inequality we had before, we get
Proof of Proposition A.4
By Proposition A.5, we have
Note that ~ME is a δ-perturbation of ME and ~μE is a δ-lift of ~ME to μE. The condition of Proposition A.6 holds tautologically due to Definition A.3. Therefore, we can apply Proposition A.6 and get
The only difference between ~μE and ~μD is the appearance of R instead of I. Therefore, we can rewrite the above as
Applying Proposition A.7 to each of the last two terms, we get
12(EUπ∗Sυ(γ)−EUπR∗υ(γ))≤EUπ∗S⋆~υE(γ)−EUπ~υE(γ)+4Cδ⎛⎜ ⎜⎝2¯τ+max(EUπ∗S⋆~υD(γ)−EUπ~υD(γ),0)1−γ⎞⎟ ⎟⎠
The following definition will be useful in order to apply Proposition A.4.
Definition A.7
Consider M a catastrophe MDP s.t.AM=A and a policy σ:SMk→A. We then define the catastrophe MDP M[σ] as follows:
SFM[σ]:=SFM, SDM[σ]:=SDM, SCM[σ]:=SCM.
For any s∈SM and a∈A: TM[σ](s,a):=TM(s,a).
For any s∈SM: TM[σ](s,⊥):=TMσ(s).
Now consider υ an O-realization of M with state function S. Then, ¯υ[σS] is clearly an ¯O-realization of M[σ] with the state function ¯S defined by ¯S(h):=S(h––).
Note also that M[σ]D≅MD[σ] and M[σ]E≅ME[σ] (where interpreting σ as a policy for MD or ME requires choosing an arbitrary value for the state ⊥). Moreover, ¯I⋆≅¯¯¯¯¯¯I⋆, ¯υ[σS]D=¯¯¯¯¯¯υD[σS⋆], ¯υ[σS]E=¯¯¯¯¯¯υE[σS⋆] and ¯S⋆=¯¯¯¯¯¯S⋆.
Finally, we are read to prove the main theorem.
Proof of Theorem 1
For every k∈[N], denote ~Mk and ~σk the δ-perturbations of Mk and σk respectively and πk the deterministic proper mitigation policy for ~Mk of Definition 8. Let ~μk be a lift of ~Mk to μk and denote ~υk:=(~μk,rk). Define H:={~υkD,~υkE}k∈[N]. Observe that ~σk is ϵ-sane relatively to πk in the sense of ~MkD and ~MkE both: condition i of Definition A.1 follows by Proposition A.2 from conditions ii and iii of Definition 8, and condition ii of Definition A.1 follows from condition iv of Definition 8. Moreover, by Proposition A.3, we have
∣∣ ∣∣dV~MDπk(s,γ)dγ∣∣ ∣∣=O(¯τ)
∣∣ ∣∣dV~MEπk(s,γ)dγ∣∣ ∣∣=O(¯τ)
Here, we used that MFk is fixed (and thus so is ¯τF, by conditions i-iii).
Condition iv implies that all the universes in H have a common reward function (notice that transition to a corrupted state induces the observation ⊥ whereas transition to a state in SFM in the universe ~υkD induces the observation I). Therefore, we can use Lemma A.1 to conclude that there exists an ¯¯¯¯¯¯I⋆-policy π♯ s.t.
It is easy to see that ~Mk[~σk] is a 2δ-perturbation of Mk[σk]. Observe also that ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯~υkD[~σkSk⋆]=¯¯¯¯¯~υk[~σkSk]D, ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯~υkE[~σkSk⋆]=¯¯¯¯¯~υk[~σkSk]E and ¯¯¯¯¯¯~μk[~σkSk] is a 2δ-lift of ~Mk[~σk] to ¯¯¯¯¯¯μk[σkSk]. Applying Proposition A.4, we get
Setting π∗:=π♯R∗ we get
By condition i of Definition 8, this implies